
Welcome to the Two Twenty community. To get you set up, we need a bit of info from you.

Please note that by completing and submitting the form on this page, you agree that you have read and understand The Two Twenty Community Policies. You will be held accountable to them.  We recommend you save a copy of the policies to your device. Please read them carefully:

Once you submit this form, your company will be invoiced for a deposit for your FOB (if requested). Your FOB will grant you 24/7 access to The Two Twenty. In order to maintain building security, it is critical that you keep it safe. This goes for any traditional keys that have been issued to you.

If you lose your FOB or keys, please contact Shift Development immediately to request that it be deactivated. Don't waste a second!

A found FOB can be returned for a refund of the initial deposit.

There is a cost of $45 to replace lost keys and fobs, which will be the responsibility of the individual.

All keys and fobs must be returned on the last day of employment with your organization, or upon your company's termination of a lease agreement with Shift Development.